©1993 Nintendo
Release: 1993-05-21 (¥4900)
Cartdridge HVC-JM
Fighting game
Joy Mecha Fight is a fighting game by Nintendo. The story
starts in a laboratory where two scientists, Dr. Iwan Warunatchi and
Dr. Ritoru Īmon, have been busy working on powerful humanoid robots. But
the friendship between the two men is stained when Dr. Iwan steals seven
prototypes and decides to take over the world. From his refuge tower, he terrorizes the
townspeople and wreaks havoc on the streets. Dr. Ritoru reprograms a pink comedy-actor
(and goofy looking) robot called Sukapon (also known as Skapon) and sends him to face his evil arch nemesis
and fight his army of robots one at the time. Each area of the game poses different
challenges and provides each time eight robots to fight against. Interestingly, Dr. Ritoru will
be able to reprogram the first seven robots (Honoo, Tiger, Neo,
Senjū, Sasuke, Eye and Giant) and build the team that will give
the player the best chance of success. Each robot starts off with a life bar (located at the
bottom of the screen) and two hearts. After each knockout, the winner regains some life
whereas the other opponent loses a heart but regains a full life bar. Robots can jump, kick,
punch and block attacks - each one comes with special attacks such as claws, sparks, drills
and so forth. Button combinations trigger all kind of grab, sweep, fireball, beams, suplex and
sliding attacks. Joy Mecha Fight features a story mode (with auto-save), several
versus modes (including a 'COM vs COM') and a grand total of thirty six different robots.
Joy Mecha Fight was fan-translated in English by AlanMidas in 2000.
Game Staff (Copied from the end credits) :
Koichi Hayashida
Character Design
Noriyuki Harada
Graphic Designer
Noriyuki Harada
Ena Yanagawa
Etsuko Kageyama
Naohime Nakagawa
Robot Action Designer
Syuzou Kousaka
Koichi Hayashida
Kouichirou Eto
Sound Designer
Hideaki Shimizu
Special Thanks to
Noriaki Sakairi
Haruo Ohta
Kazuto Nakaya
Keizou Ohta
Chikako Akimoto
Kazumasa Noda

Japanese Guidebook
Click on picture to enlarge |
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P O V s
Joy Mecha Fight is an incredible and charming fighter that,
I believe, will please veterans as much as beginners. The most unique aspect
of Joy Mecha Fight is certainly the way how the game displays robot
opponents on screen. They are made out of small body parts and this technique, more
than achieving a unique style, allows for incredibly smooth animation and
large characters on screen. Your brain just fills up the blanks and the result
is remarkably effective (the above screenshots don't really do it justice).
The gameplay and controls are also flawless and carefully thought out (the
amount of moves they crammed into only two buttons is astonishing). Each robot
has its own set of skills and abilities that complete one another and you
quickly realize that Joy Mecha Fight requires a lot more strategy than
a casual glance would indicate. The game has a couple of flaws though - robots
can be hard to read at times (was that a punch or a kick?) and I feel that fights
tend to be overly long. They also become way too easy once you start using the
same moves (if you use a controller-enabled autofire, you'll just breeze
through most of the game). All in all, Joy Mecha Fight is a little gem
that has been forgotten about and probably the best one-on-one fighting game
for the Famicom system. Let's hope that Nintendo restores life back
to the good old Sukapon someday...