超攻合神 サーディオン
©1992 Asmik
Release: 1992-03-20 (¥8800)
Cartridge SHVC-XA
Platform / Action game

Released in America as XARDION
Xardion is a futuristic platform/action shooter by Asmik.
The player takes control of a team of futuristic humanoid robots in a
world at war. The battle takes place in a distant solar system and
the player must explore three different planets (Oceansphere,
Hollowsphere and Fiera ) that span over
nine different levels. One of the originality of the game is to
offer three different robots, each one with their own special abilities
and weapons : Salamander can fire in several directions and activate a shield,
Alcedes can use a powerful spinning and freezing attack,
and Leopard is short and can reach enemies that none of
the others forms can hit (later in the game, Xardion, a powerful and
mysterious robot, replaces Panthera).
The game also offers an experience-based upgrading
system, the more experience points the player collects, the more powerful
and strong the characters become. Special items are also scattered
around the game to help them out, such as life containers, special
weapons and so forth.
As a side note, the original Japanese version of the game also includes a
gorgeous post card illustrated by Yasihiro Moriki.
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Xardion is a decent but really average game. The
three characters are surprisingly very well balanced
and you actually end up using all the forms available (unlike other
games where you play with the same couple of characters).
I personally like to freeze enemies with Alcedes before finishing them with
another form to gain experience points. However the game becomes quickly difficult, very
difficult, and experience points get harder and harder to collect as
you progress... especially when the tiny jellyfish or bouncing squids
from the first stage award you the same experience points that tough enemies
later in the game! How frustrating is that?
But I still like the balance between pure shooting action
and strategy Asmik has put in the game.
Xardion is not an amazing game, far from it, but it still offers
some entertaining and highly challenging moments, even if
it really shows its age...