©1993 Imagineer Co.,Ltd
Published under licence from Id Software
Release: 1994-02-10 (¥9800)
Cartridge SHVC-6W
3D / shooting game

Released in America as WOLFENSTEIN 3-D
( SNS-6W-USA )

Released in Europe as WOLFENSTEIN 3-D
Wolfenstein 3D is a first person shooter by Id Software
and conversion of their own game originally released for PC Computers
in 1992. The game stars B.J. Blazkowicz, a fearless soldier trying to
infiltrate a military prison base, the Wolfenstein Castle, occupied by
the army of the Staatmeister. Each mission puts our hero to the test -
he has, for instance, to uncover secret plans or stop crazy scientists before
they can complete their chemical weapons. Each building is an intricate maze
of narrow corridors, hallways, rooms, all filled with secret push walls,
guards and giant rats. The players starts the game with a knife and a simple
pistol but soon picks up machine guns, chain guns and
missile launchers from defeated foes. Various special items also
improve our soldier's status bar - they include first aid kits,
food and extra lives. He can also find treasures scattered
around each stage and ammo boxes. Interestingly, this Super Famicom
version features a backpack allowing the player to store more ammo.
Most of the stages have locked doors and keys are required to open them and
advance through the game - keys are usually hidden around the levels or
guarded by mean bosses. A map is gradually filled in as the game progresses
to help B.J. Blazkowicz fulfill his mission. After each stage,
the player is given his score but most importantly his percentage of
enemies killed, treasures collected and secrets discovered - this features
greatly motivates the player to play the game's stages again and try to
reach a perfect 100% score. There is a password save feature in
Wolfenstein 3D allowing the player to revisit any stage from
the game.
The Super Famicom version of the game was censored to comply with
Nintendo's strict censorship policy. All the Nazi and World War II
controversial references (Nazi signs, Hitler portraits,
German language, skeletons etc...) were omitted. The blood
was also removed and attack dogs replaced by giant rats. The game also
features entirely new levels and two new weapons not found in the original
game - the flamethrower and the missile launcher.
Interestingly, the original Castle Wolfenstein game was released for
the Apple II (1981), PC Computers (1983), Atari 800 (1983),
Commodore 64 (1983) and a sequel called Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
followed in 1984. However, the first-person perspective Wolfenstein 3D
that blasted the first person shooter genre forward was released for
PC Computers nearly ten years later, in 1992 (picture on the left). The game was initially
released as a shareware - the first episode could be freely copied and
distributed but the commercial release featured more missions. The game was
ported to countless home systems such as the Atari Jaguar (1994),
Macintosh (1994), Super Famicom (1994), 3DO (1995),
Game Boy Advance (2002) and so forth. A sequel to Wolfenstein 3D
called Spear of Destiny was released for PC Computers in 1992.
Teaser text from the American version:
"It won't be easy. That's why we're sending you."
The fate of the free world hangs in the balance and the President of the
Republics knows that only you can save millions of lives from the evil of
the Master State. Sent on a series of perilous missions, you must
infiltrate this hideous nether world and terminate its leader.
Unfortunately, the Staatmeister commands a crack force of vicious and
conniving soldiers who'll hunt you down no matter where you are.
Will you live up to your reputation as an elite commando? Or will the
Staatmeister fulfill his diabolical plan to rule the earth ?
Click on picture to enlarge |
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Porting a high-end (for the time) PC Game to a home console
such as the Super Famicom is quite a challenge and a daunting
task - for that matter, Wolfenstein 3D is an obvious technical
achievement. But there is a price to pay for such endeavour. Graphics
are horribly pixelated and the game quickly becomes a semi abstract
blur. This a severe handicap and it prevents you to properly see your
enemies in most situations. Controls are fairly descent and the
Super Famicom D-Pad works surprisingly well and keeps some
of the core gameplay mechanics the same. The game was also heavily
edited and there are some significant differences between this
version and the original PC game. However, I personally don't mind
these changes - Hitler has lost his mustache and attack dogs
are now giant rats, so what ? I don't mind that as long as the
gameplay remains true to the original. All in all, Wolfenstein 3D
is a sort of disappointment. I acknowledge the impressive technical
achievement and the game is overall kind of fun - but games such as
Doom are much better conversions and are, I feel, a better choice.