( Strike Gunner S.T.G / Super Strike Gunner )
©Athena Co.,Ltd.1992
Release: 1992-03-27 (¥8900)
Cartridge SHVC-SG
Shooter / Vertical

Released in America as STRIKE GUNNER S.T.G

Released in Europe as SUPER STRIKE GUNNER
Strike Gunner is a vertical shooter and adaptation of Tecmo's arcade game
originally released in 1991. The action takes place in 2008,
as an armada of enemy ships enter the Earth atmosphere and wreaks
havoc on its path. Mark and Jane, two elite pilots, have been
selected to save the day, and fly their fighter-jets deep behind enemy
lines. But before diving into battle and fighting off endless waves of enemy fighters, the player must
select a secondary weapon from a extensive list of fifteen : Shield Unit, Homing Missiles,
Atomic Missiles, Laser Cannon and so forth. But they come with a twist, and
the selected weapon can only be used once per level (as long as its energy bar is full), and
another one must be selected for any upcoming level.
This certainly adds a lot of strategy to the game, and the player
must constantly decide which weapon to equip early in his mission, and which one
to save for later stages. The main weapon, a simple vulcan-gun, can
nevertheless be slowly upgraded during the game. Strike Gunner
also includes a simultaneous two player option.
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
| we go... Strike Gunner is kind of an old game released
very early in the Super Famicom system life. The game looks rather nice though, and some sprites
are very impressive, especially the bosses (some are much bigger than the screen
area and very well drawn). Sadly stages are extremely long, so long, and so damn repetitive. The
same waves of enemy ships show up again, and again, and the same backgrounds are used over and over.
The endless forest from the first level is even reused for half of
the length of the second stage! This is unfortunate because the
weapon system is quite impressive with an impressive arsenal
to choose from. This is a crying shame, Strike Gunner could have
been an excellent shooter! I'm sure you are now looking at the screenshots and
thinking - "What the hell is he talking about ? This game looks incredible !".
But you will soon realize how wise and right I was.