©Angel 1995
Release: 1995-04-21 (¥10800)
Cartridge SHVC-ACBJ
Fighting game
Natsuki Crisis Battle is a fighting game published by Angel.
The player takes control of the cute high-school student named Kisumi Natsuki
and a grand total of eight playable fighters are available. As expected,
each one of them comes with different abilities and moves. An interesting,
and unusual feature of Natsuki Crisis Battle is the dizziness bar
located below the character's lifebar. Get in the red and the character
will be incapable of inflicting any damage nor parry. Other than a
standard story mode, Natsuki Crisis Battle lets the player
fight in a traditional versus mode and a sort of time attack mode called
hyaku where the player's progress can be saved using a password system.
Finally, and not the least, an edit mode is also available. But do not
expect here any in depth editing of the characters, only basic
attributes can be changed and tuned up.
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P O V s
Granted, Natsuki Crisis Battle doesn't really impress at
first sight. Graphics are just correct and moves are clearly borrowed
from popular fighters of the time, such as Street Fighter II or
Final Fight. Then the High School theme doesn't help much and
prevent the game to reach the same high standards laid down by other
great fighting games from the 90s.
Despite this, the game has a nice flow to it, controls are correct and
characters sort of react as you would expect. All in all, nothing
groundbreaking here, no radical controls or slick ideas,
just a simple and correct fighter.