1993 ©Enix
Release: 1993-08-27 (¥9600)
Cartridge SHVC-JU
War game
Jyutei Senki is a turn based strategy/War game by Tam Tam and Enix.
In a fantasy world, Mankind and Letums, machines powered by magic, fight a
terrible war. Humans, helped by enchant magic, developed powerful tree soldiers
called Junei and are now ready to face the enemy's army and their king. The player
controls the human army (always in red) and moves groups of heavy armored
infantrymen and other bio-mechanical units. Tactical combat and maneuvers take
place on a 3D/isometric map. The goal of the game is to either reach the enemy's
headquarters or to defeat every single unit. But beware, this needs to be done
within a given number of rounds, and failing will cost the player victory.
Interestingly, randomness doesn't influence the outcome of a battle.
Every single hit counts, bringing the game closer to Chess than
traditional War Game. This adds a lot of strategy to the mix, and
before any attack occurs, an option allows the player to see an accurate
estimation of the coming battle. Units gain experience points during
the game and can be upgraded. They will become Aces and gain more
strength, defense and attack range. Special features can also help the player
during the game, such as regenerating factories. The game counts four play-modes :
Campaign (main story campaign missions), Tutorial (beginner missions),
Expert (expert missions) and a Two-player mode
An English patch was release for Jyutei Senki in 2003.

Japanese Guide Book
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P O V s
Jyutei Senki is a fun and unusual War Game. Its overall
design is extremely well worked out and unique. Graphics are correct
and perfectly fit the game's theme, especially the large animated scenes
displayed during battles. However, the difficulty level is quite high.
Most of the time any defeated units is lost, and this makes the outcome
of any battle greatly influence the rest of the game, especially in later stages.
All in all, an excellent game I would recommend to any fan of the genre brave enough
to stick out its tough difficulty level.