©1991 Tri-Star pictures,Inc.
Hook(tm) and associated character
names are trademarks of Tri-Star
pictures, Inc.
Design ©1992 Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.
Release: 1992-07-17 (¥8500)
Cartridge SHVC-HO/ESPG46
Action / Platform

Released in America as HOOK
Hook is the conversion from Capcom arcade game. It is based on
Steven Spielberg movie released in 1991 and featuring Robin Williams
and Dustin Hoffman. The player take control of Peter Banning and will
travel through Neverland and defeat the evil Hook across ten long main
stages. The game roughly follows the movie, for instance you will need
first to defeat Rufio, chef of the lost children of Neverland and
retrieve your sword. The game is colourful and offers detailed and
correct graphics. Some of the later stages even have few optional
routes and hidden passageways.
Teaser text from the American version:
Your blood is pumping and a chill races down
your spine. You've finally come face-to-face
with the most infamous pirate of them all,
Captain Hook, the fiend who's kudnapped your
children and sworn never to lt them go. As
Peter Pan, this is the fight of your life.
Everything that came before - your duel with
Rufio, your battles against the pirates, even your soaring flights
high above Neverland - are nothing compared to this moment.

Japanese Guidebook

Japanese Phonecard
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Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Hook is very disappoining. I mean, the game looks amazing
with great and detailed graphics (looking at them, I initially though Capcom was behind this
title), nice sound effects and musics and terrrrible controls. Peter Pan
is sluggish and takes forever to jump and go anywhere. This is such
a shame as the game is visually amazing. This problem ruins
the gameplay and makes this title much harder that it should. A real shame.