ザ・グレイトバトルII ラストファイター ツイン
Banpresto 1992
Release: 1992-03-27 (¥8200)
Cartridge SHVC-3L
Beat'm up/Fighting game
Great Battle 2 - Last Fighter Twin is a beat'em up by Banpresto
and features 'Super Deformed' versions of Ultraman, Gundam,
Kamen Rider and Fighter Roa. Once again, Earth is facing certain doom
and a group of super-heroes decides to save the world. The player must first pick
up a team of two characters and both will be available to play. They can
simply be switched from one to the other at any time during the game -
they however share the same life-bar and special attacks points. Each
character can punch, kick, jump and even use special powers or charge-up
fireballs. Fortunately, our heroes can also pick-up weapons and use them
to strike their opponents down from afar. Orbs can be collected along the
way to unleash special attacks usually consisting of screen-wide blasts o
f energy (each character has its own set of spectacular attacks). In a way
similar to Sega's Golden Axe, three levels of special attacks
are available and the more powerful they are, the more orbs our heroes will use.
A two-player mode is available where players use two characters each.
The Great Battle was a series of games by Banpresto that
always followed a 'crossover' formula of 'Super Deformed' versions
of milestones of Japanese Pop-Culture characters such as Gundam, Ultraman,
Kamen Rider and Fighter Roa (the only proprietary Branpresto character).
Banpresto is partially owned by Bandai since February 1989 and they
started working on SD Mobile Suit Gundam and other Ultraman franchises
from that point on. Six different Great Battle games are available for the
Super Famicom System : SD The Great Battle (1990),
The Great Battle II: Last Fighter Twin (1992), The Great Battle III (1993),
The Great Battle IV (1994), The Great Battle Gaiden 2 (1994),
The Great Battle V (1995). More titles are of course available, such as
Great Battle Cyber (GameBoy, 1992), Tekkyu Fight!: The Great Battle Gaiden (1993),
The Great Battle VI (Playstation, 1997) and The Great Battle Pocket (GameBoyColor, 1999).

Japanese Guide Book

Japanese Guide Book
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Great Battle 2 - Last Fighter Twin is another funny little game
featuring those chubby (and cute) Gundam and Ultraman characters.
The game, despite a really appealing look with its cute 'Super Deformed'
sprites and monster designs, suffers from some repetitive action and controls
can be a bit slow and imprecise. Thanks to the 'Super Deformed' style of the game,
our heroes have ridiculously short arms - for that matter, punches and weapons
attack ranges are rather short and make some parts of the game really
difficult and sometimes frustrating. As it is often the case with game
from the 'Great Battle' series, they look fun and cute at first but
they quickly become monotonous... despite some interesting moments
(for instance, in the second stage, a bridge slowly collapses as you walk
over it and shrinking the fighting area). Again, fans of the cute mech-series
will have some fun, but fans of traditional beat'em up genre may not greatly
enjoy this title - later episodes of the series are actually better than this one...