ファイナルファイト ガイ
©Capcom 1989,1990,1992
Release: 1992-03-20 (¥8500)
Cartridge SHVC-FY
Fighting game

Released in America as FINAL FIGHT GUY
Final Fight Guy is a side-scrolling beat'em up by Capcom
and based around their arcade game Final Fight.
The first conversion of Final Fight for the Super Famicom
system only featured two characters from the original arcade game :
Mike Haggar and Cody. This version of the game substitutes
Cody with Guy, the third playable fighter from the arcade game.
Final Fight Guy is otherwise identical to the first 'Final Fight Cody'
version with just straight punching and kicking. The action takes place
in Metro City - Jessica, Haggar's daughter, has been kidnaped by the
Mad Gear gang and our two heroes run to save her. The game is in all points identical
to the first version except for the different opening and ending sequences. Two new
power-ups are also available, a Jessica Doll giving our fighters a temporary
invulnerability and special icons giving them an extra life.
In the US, Final Fight Guy was a Blockbuster "Direct From Japan"
exclusive and was only available for renting (and released two years after its
Japanese counterpart). Blockbuster is a large video rental chain in the
United States and complete copies of the game are hard to find. A different
version of the game with a black cover seems to also exist in the US (picture on the right), maybe it
was an official release that came out after the 'Blockbuster exclusive'. In Japan,
the game was sold in retail stores. A special 'Not For Sale' Final Fight Guy
music CD was also available and included four tracks (Now The Time "Final Fight",
Take The Field!, Fear Nothing, Strife In My Mind) but
I'm not sure if it was included with the original game or part of a
special offer.
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
In the 90's, Capcom had a tendency to release endless variations of
their own game franchises - the Street Fighter series being the best example.
When the first Final Fight came out, players were certainly disappointed to
learn that the Super Famicom conversion, despite its qualities, was only a
shadow of the original arcade game : one area was missing, less enemies on screen,
no two-player mode and Guy, the third playable character, was nowhere to
be seen. Final Fight Guy tries to address this gap and replaces Cody with
Guy. Capcom threw a couple of extra goodies to the mix but here you
have it - the same game with a different fighter. They could have added more memory
to the cartridge and included the three original characters, but no. So this game
is really down to a matter of personal taste - if you prefer controlling
Guy or Cody. It is also down to a matter of finance, this version being
usually more expensive (and I'm not even talking about the ultra-rare 'Blockbuster'
American version that can fetch high prices).