( Cacoma Knight In Bizyland )
カコマ ナイト
©1992 DATAM Polystar
Release: 1992-11-21 (¥7800)
Cartridge SHVC-CC
Puzzle game

Released in America as CACOMA KNIGHT IN BIZYLAND
Cacoma Knight is a puzzle/action game by DataM Polystar.
The rich and peaceful Fīrudorando kingdom (Field-land, aka
Bizyland in the American version) is at stake and the evil queen
Wagamamā, queen of Lazyland, has ravaged the land with the
help of her malefic mirror. The country is now cursed and the prosperity
that once existed has been replaced by desolation and misery. The princess
Ohime-sama (aka Ophelia) has also been taken away and she
is now trapped inside the
mirror world. The king decides to look for someone who can save
the princess and the kingdom, and he eventually finds three heroes who
seem unaffected by Wagamamā's curse - the cute Jin Torī
(aka Jean), the courageous Hī Patta (aka Jack) and
the humanoid-robot Kakomaru (aka RB93).
Cacoma Knight is largely based on Qix, the classic arcade
game released by Taito in 1981. Each stage must be cleared
(or "purified") by surrounding and closing off potions of the
playfield, and the percentage of screen area to clear up starts low
and increases as the game progresses. Hordes of enemies of all kinds
also chase our heroes throughout the game - some walk along the line
the player leaves behind and can't be killed, others freely move inside
areas that haven't been cleared and can be destroyed (for a short
amount of time) by closing off the surface they're standing on. Cleared
section also provides power-ups, special items and points hidden
inside pink treasure chests - some of them give the player
invincibility for a short amount of time whereas others give him extra
lives or speed boots. Cacoma Knight also features a
cooperative and versus two-player mode.
Teaser text from the American version:
Chalk one up for fun !
King Cacoma, the goofy golfing ruler of Bizyland needs you.
Evil Queen Wagamama with the help of her meddling mirror
have cast a spell on his kingdom. Precious Princess Ophelia
is trapped in the mirror! Bizyland has turned desolate and
grey! Everyone but three slacking subjects are affected by
the spell. It's up to you to grab the magic chalk and guide the
quest to reclaim Bizyland and save the Princess.
Game Staff (Copied from the end credits) :
Executive Producer
Yukio Kakehi
Assistant Producer
A. Tomikawa
T. Yoshikawa
Crazy Tom
Character Design
Ani Shimizu
Graphic Editor
S. W
A. Kumura
Sound Composer
T. Wakuta
M. Takada
Sales Promotion
H. Monma
T. Kusakabe
Special Thanks to
T. Ishizashi
Y. Kikuchi
Y. Saitou
Presented by
DATAM Polystar
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P O V s
Cacoma Knight, despite not offering a revolutionary concept,
is still a quite addictive and fun game to play. Graphics are detailed
and colorful and do the job just fine. However, Cacoma Knight
suffers from terrible technical flaws and dramatically slows down in
later stages, especially when enemies start shooting all kinds of
projectiles at you. The difficulty level also cranks up rapidly which
makes later stages really challenging, despite a fairly short lifespan
with only 18 levels to complete. Fans of Qix will
appreciate the variety and will definitely enjoy playing
Cacoma Knight - but don't expect anything groundbreaking here.