( Aerobiz )
エアーマネジメント 大空に賭ける
©1992 Koei co., Ltd
Release: 1990-04-05 (¥11800)
Cartridge SHVC-AL
Simulation game

Released in America as AEROBIZ
Air Management is one of a kind (or two if you count its sequel)
and gives the player the opportunity to control, build and operate an airline
company in a way similar to other simulation games such as the famous Sim City.
Player can play during two time periods, from 1963 to 1995 or
from 1983 to 2015. It is interesting to notice that up to four players can
enjoy the game at the same time, and all of this fueled by a round based system
(they are actually controlled by AI during the single player mode).
But let's go back to the game itself and talk about the simulation system.
The game allows a lot of customization and parameterization : new flying routes, airplanes types,
budget (fares, advertising, stock purchasing) and so forth. Other external elements
affect the game such as other airline companies competing against the player's,
weather conditions, airplane problems, strikes and all kind of world
events such as accidents or even world conflicts and wars.
Air Management (aka Aerobiz in the rest of the world) is a pretty big franchise
by Koei. The first opus appeared for the Super Famicom in 1992. Then a sequel, called
Air Management 2 (aka Aerobiz Supersonic in America) was released in 1993. But things
didn't stop here and several other titles came out: Air Management (Megadrive, 1992),
Air Management 2 (Megadrive, 1994) and Air Management '96 (Playstation and Saturn, 1996)
Teaser text from the American version:
As CEO, You Call the Shots
You're ambitious and you strive for excellence. Your goal is to create a
global airline network. You know travelers depend on your airline to get
them where they want to go. Now convince them your airline is the best
way to fly!
A clean safety record, ad campaigns and special services will distinguish
you from the rest. As your network expands, establish hub offices and
invest in a hotel chain. Tourism will boost income and win passengers
away from your competitors. Be aggressive and maintain superiority in the
skies. Airlines are your business !
Click on picture to enlarge |
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P O V s
If you would like to play the original Japanese version,
and because of the obvious language barrier, Air Management can be tricky
to play at first. Like most of strategy/simulation games,
this title features zillion of options, long menus and a quite thick
instruction manual. If you still want to give this game a try, my advice
would be to go for Aetrobiz, the American version.
The game is however not that impressive and the overall experience
quickly becomes overly complicated and convoluted. Everything is
clear and correct, but you'll need to invest time in this one and
I'm not sure if the reward/time ratio is worth the effort.