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game HuCard
©Tecmo,Ltd 1986/Reprogrammed by
©1990 Pack-In-Video Co.,Ltd.
©1990 EXE, TBS, Daio Paper Corporation, Kanematsu Corporation
©1990 Arc Co., Ltd
Release : 1990-12-14 (¥6200)
HuCard (2 Mbits) PV-1005
Puzzle / Action game
Zipang is an action/puzzle game published by Pack-In-Video and based on Tecmo's popular arcade game Solomon's Key originally released in 1986. The player takes control of a small samurai and the goal of the game is to find a magic key hidden in each single-screen room and to unlock the level's exit door so our little friend can escape to the next stage. Each room is of course filled with all kind of traps and monsters. However the little samurai comes equipped with a magic sword, but here the weapon comes with a twist - it is not used to slice and dice enemies, but to create and destroy blocks instead. This happens to be rather useful, especially to create rudimentary set of stairs and reach other parts of the room. The player can also destroy blocks when a monster stands on it and kill the nasty in the process. Most interestingly, our little hero can use fireballs to help him in desperate situations - but beware, they are only available in limited quantities. Finally, all kind of bonus items and power-ups are also available and often hidden behind blocks, and help the samurai on his journey. Unlike the original Solomon's Key, Zipang features a password system that the player can use to resume playing.
Solomon's Key (Fc)
screen shot screen shot
Zipang (also known as Jipangu) is a Japanese feature film directed by Kaizō Hayasahi and originally released in 1990. The main character, called Jigoku Gokurakumaru, comes across a magical sword that can transport its owner to Zipangu, an extra-dimentional and mystical world (with a city of gold at its center). Obviously, Pack-in-video mixed Zipang and Tecmo's classic arcade puzzle game Solomon's Keys (released in 1986) and ended up with the PC-Engine version of the game (the original wizard and its wand being substituted to Jigoku and his magic sword). This version could be defined as the conversion of Solomon's Keys for the PC Engine system, with a Zipang theme glued to it...

See Solomon's Key (Fc) for more information about the original Solomon's Key arcade game developed by Tecmo.


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I'm not really against the fact that Pack-in-video tied in the classic Solomon's Key with the rather obscure Zipang Japanese feature film - to be fair, this game is the best Pack-in-video title I have come across. Zipang is rather good, the graphics and animations are very detailed, and the controls are responsive and work exactly as they should. All in all, they managed to keep the very essence of Tecmo's classic intact and this is what really matters here. So, if you are a fan of Solomon's Key, then you will really like what Zipang has to offer.

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