©1987 Sunsoft, System Sacom
Release: 1987-03-03 (¥3200)
DiskCard SSD-MVL
Adventure / Action game
Marchen veil is an adventure/action game by Sunsoft and System Sacom. A long
time ago, people from Ferikusu could communicate with the gods
and divine spirits. The king of the kingdom is now looking for a young man
to marry his daughter, the royal princess. Many contendants are selected
and a tournament is organized to decide of the new prince. However,
before the end or the ceremony, an evil magician sends the last hero, the one the princess has
fallen in love with, to an unknown and desolated world. He also quickly realizes that he
fell under a terrible curse, and he has been turned into a weird creature. The only
item he has left is a magic bracelet the princess gave him.
The player takes control of the lost prince and his journey will take
him back to where he came from, confront the evil magician and marry the
princess he loves. Each stage starts with a short animation (called a "visual stage")
which unfolds the story as the game progresses. The rest of the game
follows a classic top-view action formula, where the hero defeats all kind of
enemies with the help of his magic powers. Sometimes, special items can be found
under tree logs or rocks.
Interestingly, a couple of Japanese sites tell us that Marchen veil
for the Famicom Disk System doesn't
really end. Our prince doesn't really meet the princess again - was a sequel
supposed to be released later ?.. but it never happened, or at least
for the Famicom System. Marchen veil I was also
released for the MSX in 1987 (picture on the right).
Two other games called Marchen Veil I (1985, System Sacom) and
Marchen Veil II (1985, System Sacom) were also available
for the NEC PC-98 Japanese computer. Although these
versions are maybe not entirely related to the Famicom Disk version (but they likely are),
they definitively feature two episodes. All the signs indicate that only the
first episode was converted for the Famicom Disk System.

Japanese Guide Book

Japanese Guide Book
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P O V s
Marchen Veil is the kind of game that looks and feels
really dated. Controls are a bit sluggish and the level design is extremely simple.
However, players do not need to know a lot of Japanese to enjoy
this game, they'll just miss out on the story told at the beginning of each stage.
The "Visual Stages", as they are called, are sort
of simple animations played next to the Japanese text, so it is possible
to roughly understand what is going on. Overall, Marchen Veil
is really average, and I can only recommend it if you can find a very
cheap copy.