©Konami 1987
Release: 1987-02-20 (¥2980)
DiskCard KDS-ESP
Action/Adventure game
Esper Dream is a colorful adventure action game by Konami.
The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped by the evil baddy of
the game and the villagers decide to talk to the elder for some advice.
They all decide to contact a young boy from the human world and this
by using a magic book. The boy seems to have some sort of super-natural powers and can
travel to other worlds. As soon as they witness the boy's gift, they think it will be the only one capable
to rescuing the poor girl. The game starts in the village and our hero
can walk around, talk to people or enter houses. Five sort of bunkers
give access to the different parts of the world: Giant Room, Crystal Land, Forest,
Chess Land and the Stone Country. There, things get a bit more
animated and group of monsters (symbolized by walking foot prints)
wander around the scenery. If our hero touches any of them then the view zooms-in and
a fight begins. Actually, not really. He
can either defeat all the monsters and gain money, experience and
so forth but also find the way out and run away. The fighting
area is surrounded by walls and our hero can find and destroy the
weak block which leads to freedom. Some groups of monsters block important
passage ways and those can't be avoided.