©1986 Sunsoft
Release: 1986-11-20 (¥2980)
DiskCard SSD-DZN
Digital Comic / Adventure game
Dead Zone is a futuristic digital comic and text adventure game
by Sunsoft. In the space calendar 0385, the Earth suffers from overpopulation
and humans started to build space colonies. Kirk, Dead Zone's protagonist,
works for the Earth federation's space development office. He is a brilliant engineer in
space physics and he works for Sirius' third planet colony. He also got engaged with
his beloved girlfriend Marry but had to postpone their wedding because
of work obligations.
Five months later, Kirk accompanied by his robot Carry ,
decides to meet Marry at last and to prepare the ceremony. But when he
finally gets to the space station, everything is strangely quiet.
Suddenly, a beam of light hits him.
He wakes up sometimes later inside a sort of underground graveyard,
pieces of dismantled robots surrounding him. In a traditional digital
comic/text adventure game fashion, the screen shows a large view of the surroundings.
and the bottom displays simple action commands such as see,
take or push. However all these commands and
in-game text are in Japanese. One of the original feature of the game is
to use real sampled sounds in places which is very unusual for the time.
Here is some help to get around the first part of the game. Kirk's first
task is to find his robot companion Carry. First you need to push
the big robot facing you, and then move the robot's hand. Carry should be now
visible. However, it doesn't seem to work anymore. First you need to look and
open the robot in front of you and take the screwdriver and S-battery. Then you need
to look behind you, open the other robot and take the R-Battery. Just put those
batteries in Carry and activate him. Now, leaving the place is tricky. Talk to
Carry and he will activate the room's crusher. The walls will slowly move and
crush everything. But you have to be patient and wait exactly five "actions"
(for instance, just look around 5 times). Then you have to look up, take the
metal grid from the ceiling and get out to the first floor. I leave you now
to the rest of the game...

Japanese Guide Book

Japanese Guide Book

Japanese Guide Book

Japanese Guide Book
Click on picture to enlarge |
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P O V s
Let's put it straight from the start - If you do not read Japanese, just forget
about this game. Dead Zone can be fairly suitable for beginners as it
only uses Katakana and this allows players with a basic knowledge of
Japanese to *sort of* find their way around. I wonder if the lack of Hiraganas
has anything to do with the programmers trying to save up memory.
Anyway, Dead Zone is an overall very simple game, graphics
are not outstanding and some situations are very tricky to figure out -
especially the ones with a time limit !
Even the Japanese speaking players will have some
serious head scratching moments while playing this game.