©Konami 1988
Release: 1988-04-22 (¥3300)
DiskCard KDS-BOK
Platform/Action game

Released in japan (Cartridge) as BIO MIRACLE BOKUTTE UPA
( RV102 )
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa is a cute platform game by Konami.
Once upon a time their was the Ruakuuyo kingdom where a new prince
was born. Prince Uparaato (Upa for short) is a bright and
playful baby who is already crawling at one month, but things were about
to take a turn for the worst... one day he accidentally breaks a magical
urn and frees the demon beast Zai. The goat-looking demon quickly
starts to take over the kingdom and drains the life force out of its
inhabitants and kidnaps every single baby. But he hasn't noticed Upa
and the poor fellow seems to be the only one who survived the ordeal.
When everything seems lost, a kind fairy appears and gives baby Upa
a magic rattle to help him on his fantastic journey to save the kingdom.
The players controls the crawling Upa through seven areas made out
of several sub-stages each. The magic rattle is Upa's only weapon
and protection against hordes of enemies who try to stop him. Opponents
inflate and float away when hit, they can then be used as temporary platforms
or projectiles, as long as Upa stays away from their deadly rebounds.
This features is at the core of the gameplay and some areas entirely
rely on Upa turning his enemies into floating balloons and it is
also the only way to defeat the game's bosses. Special items are scattered
throughout the game and usually hidden inside red boxes with Upa's
face on them. Some power-ups, such as the bell, gives our hero the ability
to walk and to become invincible for a short amount of time whereas others
freeze all the enemies one screen.
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa was never officially released outside Japan.
However, many players claim that an unofficial copy called Mario Baby
was available for rent in the US. It supposedly came with a NES adapter and a
small Mario baby label glued on the top of the cartridge. It wouldn't be
too much of a stretch to say that this cartridge was probably a Chinese bootleg of the
Famicom Disk version with an adpater attached to it but information is
rather thin... Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa was however re-released for
the Famicom on cartridge in 1993. Interestingly Konami added
an Easy mode not found on the original Famicom Disk version.
Upa is available as a playable character in Konami's
Gokujō Parodius (1994) and Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius (1995)
both released for the Super Famicom (pictures on the right).
A baby girl called Ruda was also included along with Upa.
Game Staff (Copied from the game's cartridge version end credits) :
Anna Yamada
Shortcut Eda
Bunbun Murata
Jenny Okuda
Pa!Pa! Hitomi
Chara Design
Sound Design
Lydian Fukami
Sukemaro Fujio
Aya Chan
Yuko Chan
Package Design
Shimoneta Kenji
Hiroko Funabee
Thank You Very Much
For Playing.
Good Night, Upa
Presented By

Japanese Guidebook
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P O V s
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa is a fun little game and a solid platformer
that really grows on you. Don't get distracted by the overly cute graphics,
the sweet colors or the giant red popsicles. The emphasis on childish shapes
and themes invite the player to take Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
lightly - but it is a tough nut to crack and some stages require laborious
patience to master. Nevertheless the game is never unfair and the controls
are relatively well tuned, and even when things get complicated the game
retains its simplicity. All in all Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa is a great
addition for anyone who likes old-school platform games.