スーパーゼビウス ガンプの謎
©1982 1986 Namco Ltd.
Release: 1986-09-19 (¥4900)
Cartdridge (n/a)
Super Xevious GAMP no Nazo is a vertical shooter by Namco. Interestingly,
this is a Famicom exclusive sequel to Xevious and not a port of the arcade
game of the same name released in 1984. "GAMP no Nazo" translates as
"GAMP's mystery" and this is where the game greatly differs from other
Xevious games. The essential task of each stage is for the player to
fulfill a certain condition. Each one of the sixteen levels just loops until
the condition is fully satisfied and each area features a different puzzle to solve.
The objectives vary from finding the stage's hidden exist to destroying all the
objects of a particular kind. The player takes control of the Solvalou and
can shoot ahead and drop bombs in the classic Xevious tradition. However,
Super Xevious now features power-ups. A small spaceship appears in almost
every stage and drops colored power-capsules - the black ones activate a
rotating shield, the yellow ones equip a large bomb-target and then the
blue ones allows the ship to also fire backward.
Like many games released by Namco for the Famicom System, Super Xevious
comes in a hard and more durable plastic case (picture on the left). Unlike
most of the games made by the company, Super Xevious was released in a shiny gold cartridge.
Finally, the game doesn't seem to have any serial number...

Japanese Guidebook

Japanese Guidebook

Japanese Guidebook

Japanese Guidebook

Japanese Boardgame
Click on picture to enlarge |
Some of the conditions can be tricky to figure out. Here are some clues to help you...
Level 1 - Fly into one of the clouds
Level 2 - Capture the white ship
Level 3 - Destroy the Fortress's core
Level 4 - Destroy the red ground targets
Level 5 - Destroy the square ground targets
Level 6 - Make an opening in one of the wall to get to the left side. Destroy the rocks
until you find a special item. When collected, go back to the right side.
Level 7 - Let the diamond shaped ship capture the Solvalou
Level 8 - Destroy the ground targets at the end of the level
Level 9 - Bomb the gray bridge/gate five times to open it.
Level 10 - Find and destroy all the small pyramids (use the lock-on target to find them).
This stage has two exits, one leads to a special level 11.
Level 11 - Just fly to the exit. If you picked the second exit from level 10, then you'll
access a special level 11 and merge with a small ship to activate the super zapper weapon.
Level 12 - Only destroy the ground targets with symbols on them.
Level 13 - Destroy the ground targets and let the diamond shaped ship capture
the Solvalou. Then let the small flying pods surround the Solvalou
and keep them alive until the end of the stage. There, destroy the large flying fortress.
Level 14 - Bomb all the volcanoes and enter the first volcano
Level 15 - Destroy the croissant shaped ships. Failing to do so warps you back to Level 13.
Level 16 - Bomb the final boss.
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
This sequel does improve on the Xevious formula - varied
level design, power-ups and so forth. But such efforts are undermined
by the very gameplay structure the game rests on. The conditions the
player has to fulfill to progress through the game are just confusing
and agonizing. I mean, the idea is not bad and adds a little variety to
the genre. But the biggest gripe I have with it is the inconsistency of
the conditions - some are just random and you'll just spend hours
(if patient enough) flying around the levels wondering what the hell
you're supposed to do next. Sometimes you even unlock levels without
knowing for sure that triggered it... Power-ups are also really hard
to collect - especially the shield which usually immediately shoots out
of the screen. It is a shame as Super Xevious has some truly
epic moments such as when the Solvalou dives inside a
Andor Genesis fortress. I wished the game was a more
straightforward affair...