( Dig Dug 2 Trouble In Paradise )
©1982 1985 Namco Ltd.
Release: 1985-06-04 (¥4500)
Cartdridge NDDII-4500
Platform game

Released in Japan (Disk Writer) as DIG DUG II
( NDS-DD2 )

( NES-I2-USA )
Dig Dug II is a platform game by Namco, conversion of the arcade
game originally released in 1985. It is the sequel to the classic
Dig Dug - however, the action doesn't take place in underground tunnels
anymore, but rather on small tropical islands out in the middle of the ocean.
The goal of the game is still to burst all the enemies (the red Pookas
and fire breather Fygars) that wonder around the screen with the help of
an air-pump. Four shots from the pump will cause any enemy to explode. But
this time, the drill has a totally different use - instead of drilling endless
underground tunnels, the tool's main purpose is to create cracks in the ground.
Large stakes located on each island can be drilled to create small cracks in
the direction Dig Dug is facing. Once a crack goes all the way across
a section, the smaller portion of land collapses into the sea and sends any
enemy still standing on it to their doom. Dig Dug must use the drill
carefully and wisely as he might fall off himself and slip into the sea. Cracks
have another function and enemies can't cross over them unless they turn into
their (slower) ghostly forms. Finally, special items (such as fruits and vegetables)
randomly apprear on the playfield or when Dig Dug cuts off three
portions of an island.
The original arcade game was released in 1985 (picture on
the left). It interestingly features less levels than the Famicom
version tested here.
See Dig Dug for more information
about the game series.
Teaser text from the American version:
Dig Dug has decided to chill out from the
pressures of the real world by taking a long over-due
vacation on a beautiful Caribbean island.
"At last", he thinks to himself, sun, sand, surf,
and no more hassles from those miserable pests.
Pooka and Fygar!" Lying in a hammock
stung between the graceful palm trees, he drifts
off into a blissful dream of beautiful bikini clad
native girls catering to his every wish. But just
when he thinks he's got it made in the shade,
along come his troublesome enemies to turn
his peaceful paradise into a tropical nightmare.
Help Dig Dug rid the island of these irritating
intruders and bring tranquility back to his
vacation by the sea.

Japanese Guidebook

Japanese Guidebook
Click on picture to enlarge |
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P O V s
Despite how incredibly popular and highly regarded the first Dig Dug
was (and still is), this excellent sequel fell through the cracks (literally)
of popularity. This Famicom port is actually really faithful to the
original arcade game and even features nearly twice as many levels. But what
about the game itself ? I think Dig Dug II is incredibly fun but it
doesn't achieve the same level of simplicity and greatness as its predecessor.
The drill needs some practice to get used to and it will often backfire on
inexperienced players. It is definitively not the straightforward gameplay
offered by the first game and this might explain why Dig Dug II wasn't
as popular as the original. However you will get the hang of it very quickly
and the game will reveal astonishing fun in return.