©1990 Hudson Soft
©1990 OPR
Release: 1990-05-18 (¥5800)
Cartdridge HFC-V4
Strategy/Chess game
Castle Quest is a strategy game loosely based on chess by Hudson Soft.
It is an interesting mix of heroic fantasy and classical chess - the player must use
his pieces, a move at the time, to capture the opponent's king while protecting his
own. However, Castle Quest features a lot more pieces than traditional chess
such as Wizards, Ninjas, Orcs, Mummies and even Dragons.
Each piece comes with a set of attributes such as Health, Magic,
Defense and Attack and these lie at the center of the gameplay - unlike
chess, when one piece attempts to take another they have to fight to determine who
takes the square. Each fight is round based and driven by the roll of a dice
(symbolized by playing cards going from 1 to 10). Some pieces can also use magic
spells or special attacks - some pieces use healing powers whereas others throw
fireballs or even resurrect lost pieces. The game features a lot more surprises
such as treasure chests, day/night cycles or the ability for all pieces
(except for the King and Queen) to be enhanced by moving them to the opponent's magic
star square. A boss awaits for the player between each stage and the option menu even
features a level editor.
Castle Quest was only released in Japan. Castle Quest was
probably scheduled for an English release but it never happened - a Game Boy
port of the game however exists and was only released in Europe in 1993
(picture on the left). The
Game Boy version has a different level layout and the playfield is harder to
read, but overall both games are fairly identical.
The Famicom game Castle Quest must not be mistaken with Castlequest
released for the American NES in 1989, port of a Japanese game called
Castle Excellent (1986).

Japanese guide Book
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Castle Quest certainly reminds me of the good old Archon
released back in 1983, and both games share a lot in common indeed. Castle Quest's
mechanics are however a lot more complex than you might initially be led to believe
from the silly graphics. I took the game lightly at first but soon realized that I
had to invest a lot more time to fully appreciate it. I only wished the battles were
less based on luck than they are... anyway, to me, this game is a fun breath of fresh
air and cleverly mixes chess, turned based strategy and role playing elements.
However, be ready to put in a ton of your time and commitment to
Castle Quest before the fun really begins.