(c)1992 naxat soft
Release : 1992-9-18 (¥7800)
CDRom² NXCD1003
Shooter / Horizontal
Adaptation from Toaplan arcade game (1989). Zero Wing is a
horizontal shooter where you take control of ship through eight levels.
You can use three different kind of weapons : Red for standard shots,
Green for homing lasers and Blue for laser shots. Each of them can be
upgraded three times and you two flying pods can also be collected.
Another original feature is the tractor beam which can capture small
enemies. They can either being used as a shield or as a weapon if thrown away.
The original arcade game was released by Toaplan in 1989. An other version was published for the Megadrive in 1992 and curiously only in Japan and Europe, no American (Genesis) version is available, as far as I know. But Zero Wing became famous later in 2001 when its badly translated introduction sequence (megadrive version only) was posted all over the web and sentences like Somebody set up us the bomb and the now famous All your base are belong to us appeared everywhere (Just type it in any seach engine).This 'internet joke' can still be found in some places...
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P O V s
Zero wing is a really poor game. Toaplan created magnificent vertical shooters but I am wondering why they never really got horizontal ones (the other one I can think of is Hellfire). I also own the megadrive version and I think the PC Engine is better, nice introduction sequence, nice musics and I am not really sure about this, but I am pretty sure this version has an extra level... All in all, Zero wing is not bad, but it lacks this magic touch that makes great shooters. And finally, I think it is a real shame that this game got recently infamous for its bad english translation...