らんま1/2 とらわれの花嫁
©1991 NCS
Game Designed By Tenky
Release : 1991-12-06 (¥6800)
CDRom² NSCD1006
Digital Comic
Ranma 1/2 Toraware no Hanayome is a digital comic by Masaya
and is the second in the trilogy for the PC Engine system. However,
unlike other games of the series, Ranma 1/2 Toraware no Hanayome is
a digital comic which offers an exclusive and comical episode with all the
familiar Ranma cast and landmarks at its heart. The game starts when
Ranma and Akane find out about a contest organized by their
school's headmaster. The winning price is a trip for two to Hawaii and a
large gathering of school students soon fight to decide of the lucky winner.
The core of the game is in Japanese but the interface is built around simple
icons (such as talk, walk and so forth) - interestingly, they
are only enabled when needed and under certain conditions which may greatly
help non Japanese players. The game holds few surprises such as one-on-one
fights using simple menu driven actions. The language barrier may require
the player to continuously scratch his head but thanks to the simple menus
and overall game design, it is far from a show stopper.

Japanese Phonecard
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P O V s
Ranma 1/2 Toraware no Hanayome is most certainly the
best Ranma game available for the PC Engine system.
If you like Digital Comics and if you are a fan of the popular
Ranma 1/2 series then this game is definitely for you.
Unlike traditional Japanese Digital Comics,
Ranma 1/2 Toraware no Hanayome can be played without
a deep knowledge of the Japanese language - you'll however miss
out on most of the story but you'll still be able to enjoy many
of the visual jokes. The game's interface also greatly helps non
Japanese players and makes the whole experience very
accessible - if a control icon appears in the menu, chances
are that it needs to be used in the current situation... All
the cutscenes and graphics are also outstanding. I only wish the
game designers used CD tracks throughout the game as all the
in-game music uses the PC Engine's chip - but this was
probably the price to pay to have real spoken speech during the
game. All in all, Ranma 1/2 Toraware no Hanayome is an
excellent Digital Comic, if not the best for the system.