(c)1993 TOHO CO.LTD
Release : 1994-2-26 (¥8200)
SuperCDRom² TCCD4001
Fighting game

Released in America as GODZILLA
( TGXCD1051 )
Godzilla is a fighting game where you take control of the ultra-famous green giant-lizard Godzilla. From
the beginning, you can choose from Easy, Normal and Hard modes.
Then you pick your opponent from a list of two, but this will depend
of the amount of points you have collected, greater are your points,
and more choices will be available for the last stages. Of cource, a
two players option is also available and you will be able to pick characters
defeated during the one player mode.
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Once again, I wasn't impressed by this game at first.
Then, more I played, more I got addicted.
Tons of characters can be
unlocked during the game, more points you get during the first five
fights and more powerful characters can be defeated
and unlocked. Sounds effect are also great, especially
Godzilla's roar which can be heard during the game's presentation !