(c)1992 naxat soft
CDRom² NXCD2012
Shooter / Vertical
Alzadick is a vertical shooter by Naxat Soft. The player takes control of a space ship
and must literally annihilate everything on screen. The game can only be
played in a short score attack mode and for that matter, the
more ships and ground facilities the player destroys,
the better is the final score - which is the ultimate goal of the game.
Four different weapons are available and they
can freely be activated by collecting floating pods (A, B, C & D). As expected, the
more pods the ship collects, the more powerful the active weapon becomes.
A more destructive secondary weapon is also available but can only be fired once.
Several variations of it can be selected before the game starts and each
one of them comes with a terrific name such as Torrid Flash, strike form,
Rolling Buster or Dome Blast - they basically wipe out everything on screen.
The game also offers a story mode ( The 14th Planet and
Battle of Valder) which are just variations of the
score attack mode.
SummerCarnival'93NexzrSpecial (Pce-SCDRom²)
In the 1990s (and end of the 1980's), Hudson Soft and Naxat Soft
organized competitions all over japan where young players
could play special versions of their favorite games during a short but intense
score attack mode. Hudson Soft started their CARAVAN TOURNAMENT in
1985 with Star Force (Famicom, 1985) and then later Star Soldier
(Famicom, 1986), Hector (Famicom, 1987), Power League Special Version (PCE, 1988),Gunhed Special
Version (PCE, 1989), Final Soldier Special Version(PCE, 1990), Super
Star Soldier (PCE, 1991) or Soldier Blade Special version (PCE, 1992).
These games are now some of the rarest and more expensive HuCards available. However, SUMMER CARNIVAL
was Naxat Soft version of the competition and only started, as far as I know,
six years after Hudson Soft, in 1991. Spriggan: Summer Carnival’91,
Alzadick Summer Carnival’92, Summer Carnival 92: Recca (Famicom) and
Nexzr Summer Carnival 93 were games played during such tournaments.
(read Super Star Soldier
review for more information about Hudson Soft's popular
Caravan Tournaments).
Add your Pov here !
P O V s
Alzadick is a great shooter... ewww... could have been a great shooter I should have said.
The game was especially designed for Naxat Soft's Summer Carnival 1992 tournament so each
play never lasts for more than 5 short minutes. I was really surprised the first time I played
Alzadick and I thought I initially purchased a sort of demo disk. But no,
this is the only version of the game available... and it is a shame as
Alzadick is an intense and great shooter. I only gave it a bad
score for it's really short life...